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时间: 2024-09-17 13:15:48


1. This is his third time visiting Japan. (这是他第三次访问日本。)

2. She came in third place in the race. (她在比赛中获得第三名。)

3. The third book in the series was just released. (该系列的第三本书刚刚出版。)

4. He is the third person to arrive at the meeting. (他是第三个到达会议的人。)

5. The third floor of the building is where the offices are located. (建筑物的第三层是办公室所在地。)

6. The third option seems to be the most viable. (第三个选项似乎是最可行的。)

7. The third quarter of the year is typically the busiest for our company. (一年的第三季度通常是我们公司最忙碌的时候。)

8. The third act of the play is the most dramatic. (该剧的第三幕最为戏剧化。)

9. The third ingredient in the recipe is sugar. (食谱中的第三种原料是糖。)

10. She is the third child in her family. (她是家里的第三个孩子。)

11. The third step in the process is to mix the ingredients together. (该流程的第三步是将原料混合在一起。)

12. The third time's the charm! (第三次一定会成功!)

13. The third player on the team is known for his speed. (球队中的第三个球员以其速度闻名。)

14. The third chapter of the book introduces a new character. (该书的第三章介绍了一个新角色。)

15. The third verse of the song is particularly moving. (这首歌的第三节特别动人。)

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