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时间: 2024-09-17 13:17:26


1. She turned thirteen last week and had a big birthday party. (她上周刚过了十三岁生日,举办了一个盛大的生日派对。)

2. Thirteen is considered an unlucky number in some cultures. (在一些文化中,十三被认为是一个不吉利的数字。)

3. The movie "Thirteen Going on Thirty" is a popular romantic comedy. (电影《十三岁的妹妹》是一部受欢迎的浪漫喜剧片。)

4. He was thirteen when he first started playing the guitar. (他十三岁时第一次开始弹吉他。)

5. Thirteen people attended the meeting, including the CEO. (有十三个人参加了会议,包括首席执行官。)

6. The clock struck thirteen, indicating that it was late at night. (时钟敲响了十三下,表明已经很晚了。)

7. Thirteen is the atomic number of the element aluminum. (十三是铝元素的原子序数。)

8. She was the thirteenth person to arrive at the party. (她是第十三个到达派对的人。)

9. The novel is divided into thirteen chapters. (这部小说分为十三章。)

10. Thirteen is the age at which children become teenagers. (十三岁是孩子们成为青少年的年龄。)

11. The baker prepared a batch of thirteen cupcakes for the party. (面包师为派对准备了十三个杯形蛋糕。)

12. The hotel room was on the thirteenth floor. (酒店房间在十三楼。)

13. Thirteen roses were arranged in a bouquet for the wedding. (十三朵玫瑰被做成花束送给新娘。)

14. The street address is thirteen Elm Street. (街道地址是榆树街十三号。)

15. The team won the game by a score of thirteen to ten. (该队以十三比十的比分赢得了比赛。)

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