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时间: 2024-09-17 13:26:51


1. I don't like those shoes. (我不喜欢那些鞋子。)

2. Those flowers are beautiful. (那些花很漂亮。)

3. Those books on the shelf belong to me. (那些书架上的书是我的。)

4. I saw those people at the party last night. (昨晚我在派对上见到了那些人。)

5. Those cookies taste delicious. (那些饼干味道很好。)

6. Those mountains are breathtaking. (那些山峰令人惊叹。)

7. Can you pass me those scissors? (你能递给我那些剪刀吗?)

8. I need to return those DVDs to the store. (我需要把那些DVD还给商店。)

9. Those birds are singing so beautifully. (那些鸟儿唱得太美妙了。)

10. Those clouds look like cotton candy. (那些云看起来像棉花糖。)

11. I love those old photographs. (我喜欢那些旧照片。)

12. Those are the best tacos I've ever had. (那些是我吃过的最好吃的玉米饼卷。)

13. I can't believe those kids are already so tall. (我简直不敢相信那些孩子们已经这么高了。)

14. Those paintings in the museum are stunning. (博物馆里的那些画作令人惊叹。)

15. The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. Those who haven't been there are missing out. (从山顶上的景色令人叹为观止。那些还没有去过那里的人真的错过了很多。)

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