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时间: 2024-09-19 19:37:13


1. He wore a silk tie with his suit. 他穿着西装配了一条丝质领带。

2. She used a ribbon to tie her hair back. 她用一根丝带把头发扎起来。

3. The two teams were tied at the end of the game. 比赛结束时两队打成了平局。

4. Can you tie a knot in this rope for me? 你能帮我在这根绳子上打个结吗?

5. The tie between the two parties was broken by a deciding vote. 两党之间的平局被一票的决定打破了。

6. He used a tie to secure the package. 他用一根绳子把包裹系牢。

7. The two brothers have a strong tie that cannot be broken. 这两兄弟之间有一种牢不可破的关系。

8. She struggled to tie her shoelaces with her injured hand. 她竭力用受伤的手系鞋带。

9. The tie between the two countries was strengthened through diplomatic negotiations. 两国之间的联系通过外交谈判得到了加强。

10. He couldn't decide which tie to wear with his new shirt. 他无法决定用哪条领带搭配他的新衬衫。

11. The tie in the election led to a runoff between the top two candidates. 选举中的平局导致了前两名候选人之间的决胜投票。

12. She used a rubber band to tie the papers together. 她用一根橡皮筋把文件绑在一起。

13. The tie-up in traffic caused a delay in their arrival. 交通堵塞导致他们迟到了。

14. He tried to tie the pieces of broken glass together with tape. 他尝试用胶带把碎玻璃片粘在一起。

15. The tie between the two companies was formed through a strategic partnership. 这两家公司之间的联系是通过战略合作建立的。

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