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时间: 2024-09-19 19:39:04


1. The waiter received a generous tip from the satisfied customers.(这位服务员收到了满意顾客的慷慨小费。)

2. Can you give me a tip on how to improve my golf swing?(你能给我一些关于如何改进我的高尔夫挥杆的建议吗?)

3. She left a tip for the cleaning staff at the hotel.(她在酒店给了清洁人员一些小费。)

4. My grandmother always gives me tips on how to cook the perfect roast.(我的奶奶总是给我烹饪完美烤肉的建议。)

5. As a taxi driver, I rely on tips for a significant portion of my income.(作为出租车司机,我相当一部分收入依赖于小费。)

6. Here's a tip: don't forget to double-check your work before submitting it.(这里有个建议:提交作业之前别忘了仔细检查一遍。)

7. The tour guide shared some useful tips for navigating the crowded market.(导游分享了一些在拥挤市场中导航的有用建议。)

8. He decided to tip the delivery person for their prompt service.(他决定给送货员一些小费以示对其及时服务的认可。)

9. Let me give you a tip for dealing with difficult customers: always remain calm and polite.(让我给你一个处理困难顾客的建议:始终保持冷静和礼貌。)

10. The book offered valuable tips for managing personal finances.(这本书提供了管理个人财务的宝贵建议。)

11. The expert shared some insider tips on investing in the stock market.(专家分享了一些在股票市场投资的内部建议。)

12. I'd like to leave a tip for the excellent service we received tonight.(我想给今晚接待我们的优质服务留个小费。)

13. Can you give me a tip on how to grow a thriving garden in a small space?(你能给我一些在小空间中种植繁茂花园的建议吗?)

14. The coach gave the team some helpful tips for improving their performance on the field.(教练给球队一些有助于提高他们在场上表现的建议。)

15. She always appreciates it when customers tip her for her exceptional hairdressing skills.(当顾客因她出色的美发技能给她小费时,她总是很感激。)


1. 小费,通常指顾客给服务人员的额外报酬。

2. 建议,指关于如何做某事或解决问题的意见或提示。

3. 提示,指提供有用信息或技巧以帮助完成某项任务或达到某个目标。

4. 贴士,指提供实用信息或建议,尤其是在特定领域或情境下。

5. 赏金,指给予的额外奖励或鼓励,通常是因为对某人的服务或技能表示认可。

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