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时间: 2024-09-20 07:07:01


1. We can accomplish more when we work together. (当我们一起工作时,我们可以完成更多。)

2. Let's go to the movies together this weekend. (这个周末我们一起去看电影吧。)

3. The family gathered together for a big holiday meal. (全家人聚在一起共享盛大的节日大餐。)

4. We are in this together, and we will support each other. (我们共同面对这个问题,我们会互相支持。)

5. The children played together in the park. (孩子们在公园里一起玩耍。)

6. Let's face the challenge together and come out stronger. (让我们一起面对这个挑战,变得更加坚强。)

7. We walked together along the beach, enjoying the sunset. (我们一起沿着海滩散步,欣赏日落。)

8. The team worked together to complete the project on time. (团队合作,按时完成了项目。)

9. Let's cook dinner together tonight. (今晚我们一起做晚餐吧。)

10. They made a pact to stick together no matter what. (他们达成协议,无论如何都要团结一致。)

11. The couple promised to face all challenges together. (这对夫妇承诺共同面对所有挑战。)

12. The choir sang together in perfect harmony. (合唱团和谐地一起演唱。)

13. We need to pull together to overcome this crisis. (我们需要齐心协力,克服这场危机。)

14. Let's study together for the upcoming exam. (让我们一起为即将到来的考试学习。)

15. The friends laughed together, creating happy memories. (朋友们一起笑着,创造了快乐的回忆。)

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