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时间: 2024-09-22 06:36:31


1. She visited the tomb of her ancestors to pay her respects. 她前往祖先的墓地向他们致敬。

2. The archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb filled with treasures. 考古学家发现了一个装满宝藏的古墓。

3. The tomb was adorned with beautiful flowers in memory of the deceased. 墓地上摆满了美丽的鲜花,以纪念逝者。

4. The pharaoh's tomb was filled with intricate hieroglyphics and precious artifacts. 法老的陵墓里装满了复杂的象形文字和珍贵的文物。

5. Visitors gathered around the tomb, marveling at its grandeur and historical significance. 游客们围绕着墓地聚集,对其壮丽和历史意义感到惊叹。

6. The tombstone bore the inscription of the deceased's name and dates of birth and death. 墓碑上刻着逝者的名字和出生死亡日期。

7. The tomb was carefully preserved to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers. 为了纪念阵亡的士兵,墓地得到了精心的保护。

8. The family gathered at the tomb to mourn the loss of their loved one. 家人们聚集在墓地上悼念他们所爱的人的离世。

9. A ghost story revolved around a haunted tomb in the old cemetery. 一个鬼故事围绕着老墓地里的闹鬼墓穴展开。

10. The tomb was a place of solace and remembrance for those who had lost their loved ones. 墓地是一个为失去亲人的人们提供慰藉和纪念的地方。

11. The tomb was covered in moss and ivy, giving it a mysterious and eerie appearance. 墓地上长满了苔藓和常春藤,使得它看起来神秘而阴森。

12. The tomb had been desecrated by grave robbers searching for valuable artifacts. 墓地被盗墓贼侵犯,寻找珍贵的文物。

13. The tomb was located in a secluded and peaceful corner of the cemetery. 墓地位于墓园的僻静而宁静的角落。

14. The tomb stood as a solemn reminder of the transience of life and the inevitability of death. 墓地作为对生命短暂和死亡不可避免的庄严提醒。

15. The tomb was a symbol of the deceased's legacy and the impact they had on the world. 墓地是逝者遗产和他们对世界产生影响的象征。

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