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时间: 2024-09-17 13:10:10


1. She walked towards the park, enjoying the fresh air. (她朝着公园走去,享受着清新的空气。)

2. The company is working towards a more sustainable business model. (公司正在朝着更可持续的商业模式努力。)

3. The team is moving towards their goal of winning the championship. (团队正在朝着赢得冠军的目标前进。)

4. The sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape. (太阳开始向地平线下沉,给整个景观披上了温暖的光辉。)

5. The new policy is a step towards greater equality in the workplace. (新政策是朝着职场更大平等的一步。)

6. The path leads towards the mountains, offering stunning views along the way. (这条小路通向山脉,沿途风景迷人。)

7. She took a step towards him, wanting to express her gratitude. (她朝他迈出一步,想要表达她的感激之情。)

8. The research is a significant step towards finding a cure for the disease. (这项研究是朝着找到治疗这种疾病的方法迈出的重要一步。)

9. The car sped towards the finish line, leaving the competition behind. (汽车飞驰向终点线,甩开了竞争对手。)

10. The company is moving towards a more customer-centric approach. (公司正在朝着更加以客户为中心的方法前进。)

11. The children ran towards the ice cream truck, eager for a sweet treat. (孩子们朝着冰淇淋车跑去,渴望着一份甜品。)

12. The river flows towards the sea, carrying with it sediment and nutrients. (河流向着大海流去,带着泥沙和营养物质。)

13. The company is taking steps towards reducing its carbon footprint. (公司正在朝着减少碳排放的目标迈出步伐。)

14. The new road will provide better access towards the remote village. (新的道路将更好地通往偏远的村庄。)

15. The team is working towards a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture. (团队正在朝着更具包容性和多样性的职场文化努力。)

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