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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:41


1. The tragedy of losing a loved one is something that can never be fully understood until experienced firsthand.(失去亲人的悲剧是一种无法完全理解的事情,直到亲身经历过才能明白。)

2. The play depicted the tragedy of a young couple torn apart by war.(这部剧展示了一对年轻情侣因战争而分离的悲剧。)

3. It was a tragedy that the talented musician's career was cut short by illness.(这位有才华的音乐家的职业生涯因病痛而戛然而止,真是一场悲剧。)

4. The tragedy of the earthquake left the entire community in mourning.(地震带来的悲剧让整个社区陷入了悲伤之中。)

5. The story of the Titanic is a well-known tragedy that continues to capture people's imaginations.(泰坦尼克号的故事是一个众所周知的悲剧,一直吸引着人们的想象。)

6. The tragedy of poverty affects millions of people around the world.(贫困的悲剧影响着全世界数百万人。)

7. His downfall from a successful career to homelessness was a personal tragedy.(他从事业成功到无家可归的沦落是一场个人悲剧。)

8. The tragedy of the war left deep scars on the country's history.(战争的悲剧给这个国家的历史留下了深深的伤痕。)

9. The tragedy of the plane crash affected the entire nation.(飞机坠毁的悲剧影响了整个国家。)

10. The tragedy of the natural disaster resulted in widespread devastation.(自然灾害带来的悲剧导致了广泛的破坏。)

11. The tragedy of the family's financial ruin was a heavy burden to bear.(家庭财务破产的悲剧是一个沉重的负担。)

12. The tragedy of the young girl's disappearance haunted the small town for years.(年轻女孩失踪的悲剧多年来一直困扰着这个小镇。)

13. The tragedy of the failed business venture was a hard lesson learned.(商业冒险的失败是一次艰难的教训。)

14. The tragedy of the political unrest led to widespread suffering among the population.(政治动荡的悲剧导致了人民的普遍苦难。)

15. The tragedy of the family's estrangement tore them apart for years.(家庭疏远的悲剧让他们分离了多年。)

上一个 【英语】traffic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tragic的例句



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