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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:21


1. I take the train to work every day. (我每天乘火车上班。)

2. The train is delayed due to a signal failure. (火车因信号故障而延误。)

3. We decided to travel by train instead of by car. (我们决定乘火车旅行,而不是开车。)

4. The train journey from London to Edinburgh takes about four hours. (从伦敦到爱丁堡的火车旅程大约需要四个小时。)

5. The train conductor checked our tickets before we boarded. (列车售票员在我们上车之前检查了我们的车票。)

6. The train was so crowded that I had to stand the whole way. (火车太拥挤了,我不得不一直站着。)

7. The train station was bustling with people rushing to catch their trains. (火车站里人来人往,匆匆忙忙地赶着赶车。)

8. The train rattled along the tracks, making a rhythmic sound. (火车沿着铁轨咔咔作响,发出有规律的声音。)

9. The train was so fast that the scenery outside blurred by. (火车开得太快,车窗外的风景变得模糊不清。)

10. We waved goodbye to our friends from the train window as the train pulled away from the platform. (当火车离开站台时,我们从车窗向朋友挥手告别。)

11. The train ride through the mountains was breathtaking. (穿越山脉的火车旅程令人叹为观止。)

12. The train screeched to a halt as it reached the station. (火车到达车站时发出刺耳的刹车声停了下来。)

13. The train chugged slowly up the steep incline. (火车在陡峭的上坡路上缓慢前行。)

14. I always enjoy the peaceful rhythm of the train as it travels through the countryside. (我总是喜欢火车穿越乡村时的宁静节奏。)

15. We had to change trains in order to reach our final destination. (为了到达最终目的地,我们不得不换乘火车。)

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