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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:07


1. She could hear the tramp of footsteps in the hallway.(她听到了走廊里脚步声的重击声。)

2. The tramp wandered from town to town, never staying in one place for long.(那个流浪汉漫无目的地从一个城镇漫步到另一个,从未在一个地方停留很久。)

3. The heavy rain turned the path into a muddy tramp.(大雨将小路变成了一片泥泞。)

4. The tramp of the soldiers echoed through the valley.(士兵的脚步声在山谷中回荡。)

5. The tramp found shelter under a bridge for the night.(那个流浪汉在桥底找到了一个避风的地方过夜。)

6. She could feel the tramp of the horses as they approached.(当马匹接近时,她能感受到它们的重蹄声。)

7. The tramp of the workers resounded through the factory.(工人们的脚步声在工厂中回响。)

8. The old man told stories of his days as a tramp, hopping trains and seeing the country.(那个老人讲述了他作为流浪汉的日子,搭乘火车四处漫游,看遍了整个国家。)

9. The tramp of the elephants could be heard from a distance.(大象的重蹄声可以从远处听见。)

10. The tramp left footprints in the snow as he walked.(流浪汉在雪地上留下了脚印。)

11. The tramp of the protestors filled the streets.(示威者的脚步声充满了街道。)

12. The tramp of the workers could be heard as they marched for better wages.(工人们的脚步声在他们为争取更高工资而游行时可听见。)

13. The tramp of the horses signaled the arrival of the cavalry.(马匹的重蹄声标志着骑兵的到来。)

14. The tramp of the hikers echoed through the canyon.(徒步旅行者的脚步声在峡谷中回荡。)

15. The tramp of the dancers reverberated through the ballroom.(舞者的脚步声在舞厅中回响。)

上一个 【英语】trait的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】trample的例句



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