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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:10


1. The tranquil lake was a peaceful place for reflection and relaxation. (宁静的湖泊是一个宁静的地方,适合反思和放松。)

2. After a long day at work, she sought out the tranquil atmosphere of the local park. (工作一整天后,她寻找了当地公园宁静的氛围。)

3. The tranquil music helped to calm her racing thoughts. (宁静的音乐帮助她平静下来。)

4. The tranquil setting of the countryside was a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. (乡村宁静的环境是逃离城市喧嚣的一个受欢迎的选择。)

5. She sat by the window, enjoying the tranquil view of the snow-covered landscape. (她坐在窗边,享受着覆盖着雪的风景的宁静。)

6. The yoga class ended with a period of tranquil meditation. (瑜伽课以一段宁静的冥想结束。)

7. The tranquil evening was interrupted by the sound of a distant thunderstorm. (宁静的夜晚被远处的雷暴声打断了。)

8. The hotel offered a tranquil retreat for those seeking a peaceful getaway. (酒店提供了一个宁静的避难所,供寻求宁静度假的人使用。)

9. The painting captured the tranquil beauty of a secluded beach at sunset. (这幅画捕捉到了日落时分偏僻海滩的宁静美景。)

10. A tranquil smile crossed her face as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. (她闭上眼睛深呼吸时脸上露出了宁静的微笑。)

11. The garden was a tranquil oasis in the middle of the bustling city. (花园是繁华城市中的一片宁静绿洲。)

12. The tranquil village seemed untouched by the chaos of the outside world. (宁静的村庄似乎不受外界混乱的影响。)

13. She found a sense of tranquil contentment as she strolled through the peaceful forest. (当她漫步在宁静的森林中时,她感到一种宁静的满足。)

14. The old monastery was a place of tranquil serenity, away from the noise of the city. (这座古老的修道院是一个宁静祥和的地方,远离城市的喧嚣。)

15. The sun set over the tranquil horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape. (太阳在宁静的地平线上落下,给风景披上了一层温暖的光辉。)

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