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时间: 2024-09-19 11:31:54


1. Uranium is used as a fuel in nuclear power plants to generate electricity. (铀被用作核电厂的燃料来发电。)

2. The concentration of uranium in the soil was found to be higher than the safe limit. (土壤中的铀浓度超过了安全限值。)

3. The discovery of uranium led to the development of nuclear weapons. (铀的发现导致了核武器的发展。)

4. Uranium mining can have serious environmental consequences if not properly managed. (如果不得当地管理,铀矿开采可能会导致严重的环境后果。)

5. The nuclear reactor requires a steady supply of enriched uranium to function properly. (核反应堆需要稳定的浓缩铀供应才能正常运行。)

6. The health effects of exposure to uranium can be severe and long-lasting. (接触铀对健康的影响可能是严重且持久的。)

7. The country has vast reserves of uranium, making it a significant player in the global nuclear industry. (该国拥有大量的铀储备,使其成为全球核工业中的重要参与者。)

8. The radioactive decay of uranium produces radon gas, which can pose health risks if not properly managed. (铀的放射性衰变产生了氡气,如果不得当地管理,可能会带来健康风险。)

9. The price of uranium has fluctuated significantly in recent years due to changes in demand and geopolitical factors. (由于需求变化和地缘政治因素,铀的价格近年来波动较大。)

10. Many countries have strict regulations on the transportation and handling of uranium to prevent accidents and unauthorized use. (许多国家对铀的运输和处理设有严格的规定,以防止事故和未经授权的使用。)

11. The process of enriching uranium requires advanced technology and expertise to ensure the desired level of purity. (浓缩铀的加工过程需要先进的技术和专业知识,以确保所需纯度的达到。)

12. The discovery of uranium deposits in the region has raised concerns about environmental protection and indigenous rights. (该地区铀矿床的发现引起了人们对环境保护和土著权利的关注。)

13. Uranium is a heavy metal with unique properties that make it valuable for various industrial and scientific applications. (铀是一种具有独特性质的重金属,使其在各种工业和科学应用中具有价值。)

14. The extraction and processing of uranium ore involve complex chemical and mechanical processes to obtain usable fuel. (铀矿石的提取和加工涉及复杂的化学和机械过程,以获得可用的燃料。)

15. International agreements and treaties regulate the trade and use of uranium to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons. (国际协议和条约规范铀的贸易和使用,以防止核武器扩散。)

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