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时间: 2024-09-20 01:04:46


1. The classic battle of good versus evil is a recurring theme in literature and film.(经典的善恶对抗是文学和电影中反复出现的主题。)

2. The upcoming soccer match will be a showdown between Barcelona versus Real Madrid.(即将到来的足球比赛将是巴塞罗那对皇家马德里的对决。)

3. The debate will focus on capitalism versus socialism.(辩论将集中在资本主义与社会主义之间。)

4. The movie depicts a fierce battle of man versus nature in the wilderness.(这部电影描绘了人与自然在荒野中的激烈战斗。)

5. The legal case is framed as the plaintiff versus the defendant.(这个法律案件是原告对被告的对抗。)

6. In the comic book world, there are often epic clashes of hero versus villain.(在漫画世界中,经常出现英雄对恶棍的史诗般的冲突。)

7. The ongoing debate is framed as freedom of speech versus hate speech.(正在进行的辩论被定为言论自由对仇恨言论。)

8. The upcoming election will be a battle of conservative values versus progressive ideals.(即将到来的选举将是保守价值观与进步理念的较量。)

9. The new restaurant is being marketed as healthy eating versus fast food.(这家新餐厅被宣传为健康饮食对快餐的选择。)

10. The fashion industry often sees a clash of tradition versus innovation.(时尚界经常出现传统与创新的冲突。)

11. The debate will center around individual rights versus societal responsibilities.(辩论将围绕个人权利与社会责任展开。)

12. The court case will revolve around privacy rights versus law enforcement needs.(法庭案件将围绕隐私权与执法需求展开。)

13. The upcoming chess tournament will feature a match of grandmasters versus young prodigies.(即将到来的国际象棋比赛将有大师对小天才的较量。)

14. The film explores the theme of technology versus humanity in a futuristic setting.(这部电影探讨了科技与人性在未来世界的主题。)

15. The political debate will highlight the clash of tradition versus modernity.(政治辩论将突出传统与现代的冲突。)

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