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时间: 2024-09-17 13:09:44


1. The ship was a massive vessel, capable of carrying thousands of tons of cargo.(这艘船是一艘巨大的船只,能够装载数千吨的货物。)

2. The blood vessel carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body.(血管将含氧血液从心脏输送到身体的其他部位。)

3. The artist carefully painted intricate designs on the ceramic vessel.(艺术家在陶器上精心绘制了复杂的图案。)

4. The ancient Greeks used amphorae as vessels for storing and transporting wine.(古希腊人使用双耳瓶作为储存和运输葡萄酒的容器。)

5. The yacht is a luxurious vessel equipped with state-of-the-art amenities.(这艘游艇是一艘配备了最先进设施的豪华船只。)

6. The surgeon carefully clamped the blood vessel to stop the bleeding.(外科医生小心地夹住血管以止血。)

7. The hot air balloon served as a majestic vessel to take tourists on a scenic ride.(热气球作为一艘雄伟的交通工具,带领游客进行风景游览。)

8. The vase was a delicate vessel, holding a beautiful arrangement of flowers.(花瓶是一件精致的容器,盛放着美丽的花束。)

9. The submarine is a modern marvel, designed to be an underwater vessel for exploration.(潜艇是一种现代奇迹,设计成为一种水下探索的交通工具。)

10. The artery is a vital vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body tissues.(动脉是一种重要的血管,将富氧血液从心脏输送到身体组织。)

11. The spacecraft is a sophisticated vessel that can travel to other planets.(太空船是一种复杂的交通工具,可以前往其他行星。)

12. The glass vessel shattered when it was dropped on the floor.(这个玻璃容器在掉在地板上时碎裂了。)

13. The tanker is a huge vessel used for transporting large quantities of oil.(油轮是一种用于运输大量石油的巨大船只。)

14. The artist used the vessel as a canvas for expressing his emotions through painting.(艺术家将容器作为他通过绘画表达情感的画布。)

15. The vein is a vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.(静脉是一种将脱氧血液从身体输送回心脏的血管。)

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