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时间: 2024-10-05 22:52:06


1. The violence of the storm caused extensive damage to the town.(风暴的猛烈破坏了城镇。)

2. Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many families.(家庭暴力是一个严重的问题,影响着许多家庭。)

3. The protesters were met with violence from the police.(抗议者遭到了警方的暴力对待。)

4. The violence in the movie was so intense that some viewers had to look away.(电影中的暴力场面非常激烈,一些观众不得不避开目光。)

5. The violence of the conflict left a lasting impact on the region.(冲突的暴力给该地区留下了深远的影响。)

6. The violence of the attack shocked the entire community.(袭击的暴力性质震惊了整个社区。)

7. The violence of the language used in the argument was disturbing.(争论中使用的暴力言辞令人不安。)

8. Gang violence is a major concern in urban areas.(帮派暴力是城市地区的一大关切。)

9. The violence of the situation escalated rapidly.(事态的暴力程度迅速升级。)

10. The violence of the criminal act resulted in severe consequences.(犯罪行为的暴力性质导致了严重的后果。)

11. The violence of the earthquake caused widespread destruction.(地震的暴力破坏了广泛的区域。)

12. The violence of the language used in the debate was unnecessary.(辩论中使用的暴力言辞是不必要的。)

13. The violence of the animal attack left the victim with serious injuries.(动物的暴力袭击给受害者留下了严重的伤势。)

14. The violence of the protest turned chaotic.(抗议活动的暴力变得混乱不堪。)

15. The violence of the war inflicted untold suffering on the civilian population.(战争的暴力给平民人口造成了无法计量的痛苦。)

上一个 【英语】violation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】violent的例句



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