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时间: 2024-09-10 04:03:48


1. I need to apply for a visa before I can travel to the United States. (我需要在前往美国之前申请签证。)

2. He was denied a visa to enter the country due to his criminal record. (由于他的犯罪记录,他被拒绝了入境签证。)

3. The embassy issued a tourist visa to allow her to visit the country for a short period of time. (大使馆签发了旅游签证,允许她短期访问该国。)

4. The student had to renew his visa in order to continue studying abroad. (这名学生必须续签签证才能继续在国外学习。)

5. She obtained a work visa to legally work in the foreign country. (她获得了工作签证,合法在国外工作。)

6. The company arranged a business visa for its employees to attend the conference overseas. (公司为其员工安排了商务签证,以便参加海外的会议。)

7. He had to go through a visa interview at the consulate before being granted a visa. (他必须在获得签证之前在领事馆接受签证面试。)

8. The visa application process can be complex and time-consuming. (签证申请程序可能复杂且耗时。)

9. She overstayed her visa and had to pay a fine before leaving the country. (她逾期逗留,离开该国前必须支付罚款。)

10. The embassy requires certain documents for a visa application, including a passport and a recent photo. (大使馆要求签证申请者提供一些文件,包括护照和一张最近的照片。)

11. Without a valid visa, he was not allowed to board the international flight. (没有有效签证,他不被允许登上国际航班。)

12. They were granted a multiple-entry visa, allowing them to enter and exit the country multiple times within a certain period. (他们获得了多次入境签证,允许他们在一定期限内多次进出该国。)

13. The visa requirements vary depending on the purpose of the visit, such as tourism, business, or study. (签证要求因访问目的而异,如旅游、商务或学习。)

14. Her visa was extended so she could stay longer with her family in the foreign country. (她的签证被延长,这样她就可以在国外与家人呆更长时间。)

15. The embassy expedited the visa processing for urgent cases, such as medical emergencies. (大使馆加快了紧急情况下的签证处理,如医疗紧急情况。)

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