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时间: 2024-09-20 06:01:19


1. I plan to visit my grandparents next weekend.(我打算下个周末去看望我的祖父母。)

2. We should visit the museum while we're in town.(我们在镇上时应该去参观博物馆。)

3. The doctor will visit the patient in the hospital tomorrow.(医生明天会去医院看望病人。)

4. I want to visit Paris someday.(我希望有一天能去巴黎旅行。)

5. The team decided to visit the local school to talk about their project.(团队决定去当地学校谈论他们的项目。)

6. We should visit our friends in the new neighborhood.(我们应该去新社区看望我们的朋友。)

7. When you visit the zoo, don't forget to see the pandas.(当你去动物园时,别忘了去看熊猫。)

8. I want to visit the famous landmarks in Rome.(我想去罗马参观著名的地标。)

9. The travel agency arranged for us to visit three different countries on our trip.(旅行社安排我们在旅行中参观了三个不同的国家。)

10. I always visit my favorite coffee shop on my way to work.(我上班路上总是去我最喜欢的咖啡店。)

11. The president is scheduled to visit the disaster-stricken area next week.(总统计划下周去灾区视察。)

12. We should visit the elderly in the nursing home during the holidays.(我们应该在假期时去养老院看望老人。)

13. The students will visit the science lab to conduct experiments.(学生们将去科学实验室做实验。)

14. I always visit the farmer's market to buy fresh produce.(我总是去农贸市场买新鲜的农产品。)

15. The delegation plans to visit the United Nations headquarters in New York.(代表团计划去纽约参观联合国总部。)

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