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时间: 2024-09-10 05:10:26


1. They made a solemn vow to love each other forever. (他们庄严承诺永远相爱。)

2. The knight took a vow to protect the kingdom at all costs. (骑士发誓要不惜一切代价保护王国。)

3. She made a vow to herself to never give up on her dreams. (她对自己发誓永不放弃梦想。)

4. He broke his vow of silence and finally spoke up. (他打破了沉默的誓言,终于开口说话了。)

5. The monks take a vow of poverty and live simple lives. (僧侣们发誓要过贫穷的生活,过着简朴的生活。)

6. I made a vow to quit smoking and I haven't had a cigarette in months. (我发誓戒烟,已经好几个月没抽烟了。)

7. She took a vow of celibacy and dedicated her life to serving others. (她发誓终身独身,将一生奉献给为他人服务。)

8. The couple exchanged vows in a beautiful beach ceremony. (这对夫妇在美丽的海滩仪式上交换了誓言。)

9. He made a solemn vow to seek justice for his murdered brother. (他庄严承诺要为被谋杀的兄弟寻求正义。)

10. The soldiers took a vow to defend their country with their lives. (士兵们发誓要用生命捍卫自己的国家。)

11. She made a vow to herself to never let anyone bring her down. (她对自己发誓永远不让任何人打击她。)

12. The priest reminded the couple of the vows they had made to each other. (牧师提醒这对夫妇他们曾经互相发过的誓言。)

13. He took a vow of silence and refused to speak to anyone for a month. (他发誓保持沉默,一个月内拒绝与任何人交谈。)

14. The politician made a vow to fight for the rights of the marginalized. (这位政治家发誓要为边缘群体的权益而斗争。)

15. She made a vow to herself to always prioritize her own happiness. (她对自己发誓要始终把自己的幸福放在第一位。)

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