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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:34


1. I am planning a voyage to explore the remote islands of the Pacific Ocean.(我计划进行一次探索太平洋偏远岛屿的航海。)

2. The brave sailor embarked on a dangerous voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.(勇敢的水手开始了一次危险的横渡大西洋的航行。)

3. The cruise ship offers luxurious voyages to various destinations around the world.(这艘游轮提供奢华的航海服务,前往世界各地的不同目的地。)

4. The explorers faced many challenges during their voyage to the South Pole.(探险家们在前往南极的航行中面临了许多挑战。)

5. The epic voyage of the Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to the New World.(五月花号的史诗航行将清教徒带到了新大陆。)

6. The astronauts embarked on a historic voyage to the moon.(宇航员们开始了一次历史性的登月航行。)

7. The cargo ship set sail on a voyage to deliver goods to different ports.(货船起航前往不同港口运送货物的航行。)

8. The children were excited to go on a voyage to visit their grandparents in another country.(孩子们兴奋地出发去另一个国家探望他们的祖父母。)

9. The captain navigated the ship through stormy waters during the voyage.(船长在航行中驾驶船只穿越汹涌的海域。)

10. The sailor kept a journal to record his experiences during the voyage.(水手记下了他在航行中的经历。)

11. The cruise line offers a variety of voyages, including Mediterranean and Caribbean cruises.(这家邮轮公司提供各种航海服务,包括地中海和加勒比海的巡航。)

12. The voyage across the ocean took several weeks to complete.(横渡大洋的航行花了数周的时间才完成。)

13. The ship encountered rough seas during the voyage, but managed to reach its destination safely.(船只在航行中遇到了汹涌的海域,但成功地安全抵达了目的地。)

14. The voyage was filled with excitement and new experiences for the young travelers.(这次航行对年轻旅行者来说充满了刺激和新鲜感。)

15. The documentary captured the spirit of adventure during a voyage to Antarctica.(这部纪录片捕捉到了前往南极洲的航行中的冒险精神。)

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