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时间: 2024-09-17 13:04:34


1. I enjoy walking in the park in the evenings.(我喜欢在傍晚在公园散步。)

2. Walking to work every day helps me stay fit.(每天步行上班能帮助我保持健康。)

3. The doctor recommended walking as a form of low-impact exercise.(医生建议步行作为一种低冲击的锻炼方式。)

4. Walking through the forest, I felt a sense of peace and tranquility.(穿过森林散步时,我感到一种平静和宁静。)

5. She was walking so fast that I couldn't keep up with her.(她走得太快,我跟不上她。)

6. Walking along the beach, I picked up seashells and enjoyed the sound of the waves.(沿着海滩散步时,我捡起了贝壳,享受着海浪的声音。)

7. I find walking to be a great way to clear my mind and think.(我觉得散步是一个很好的方式来清理我的思绪和思考。)

8. The old man was walking with a cane, taking slow and steady steps.(老人挎着拐杖慢慢地走着。)

9. Walking in the rain, I felt the cool drops on my skin.(在雨中行走,我感受到了凉爽的雨滴。)

10. Walking the dog is part of my daily routine.(遛狗是我日常生活的一部分。)

11. We spent the afternoon walking around the city and exploring new neighborhoods.(我们花了一个下午四处走走,探索新的街区。)

12. Walking up the hill was challenging, but the view from the top was worth it.(爬上山坡是具有挑战性的,但山顶的景色是值得的。)

13. The doctor advised her to start with short walks and gradually increase the distance.(医生建议她从短途步行开始,逐渐增加距离。)

14. I saw a group of friends walking together, chatting and laughing.(我看到一群朋友一起走着,聊着笑着。)

15. Walking is a simple yet effective way to improve cardiovascular health.(步行是改善心血管健康的一种简单而有效的方式。)

上一个 【俄语】алюминийорганический的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】wall的例句



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