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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:20


1. She loved to wander through the forest, feeling at peace among the trees. 她喜欢漫步穿过森林,在树木间感到平静。

2. The old man would often wander the streets aimlessly, lost in his memories. 老人经常在街上漫无目的地闲逛,陷入回忆中。

3. As the sun set, they decided to wander along the beach, enjoying the cool breeze. 太阳落山时,他们决定沿着海滩漫步,享受凉爽的微风。

4. The cat liked to wander around the neighborhood, exploring every nook and cranny. 猫喜欢在附近闲逛,探索每一个角落。

5. Sometimes, I just feel the need to wander and get lost in my thoughts. 有时候,我只想漫步,陷入自己的思绪中。

6. The children were allowed to wander freely in the meadow, picking wildflowers. 孩子们被允许在草地上自由漫步,采摘野花。

7. It's easy to get lost in this maze-like city if you wander off the main streets. 如果你偏离主要街道漫步,很容易在这个迷宫般的城市中迷路。

8. The traveler decided to wander off the beaten path and explore the hidden gems of the countryside. 旅行者决定离开常规路线,探索乡间的隐藏宝藏。

9. They would often wander into antique shops, admiring the unique treasures on display. 他们经常闲逛古董店,欣赏展示的独特珍宝。

10. The old couple would hold hands and wander through the park, reminiscing about their youth. 老夫妻手牵手,在公园里漫步,怀念他们的青春。

11. The hiker decided to wander off the trail and explore the dense forest on his own. 徒步者决定偏离小径,独自探索茂密的森林。

12. Sometimes, I like to wander through the library, browsing books without any particular goal in mind. 有时候,我喜欢在图书馆里漫步,浏览书籍而没有特定的目标。

13. The artist would often wander the streets, seeking inspiration for his next masterpiece. 艺术家经常在街上漫步,寻找下一个杰作的灵感。

14. It's therapeutic for me to wander in nature, letting my thoughts flow freely. 在大自然中漫步让我的思绪自由流动,这对我有治疗作用。

15. The best way to explore a new city is to wander around its streets and alleys, discovering hidden gems along the way. 探索一个新城市最好的方式是在街道和小巷中漫步,一路上发现隐藏的宝藏。

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