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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:41


1. The weather forecast warned of an approaching storm.(天气预报警告即将来临的暴风雨。)

2. The doctor warned the patient about the potential side effects of the medication.(医生警告患者关于药物的潜在副作用。)

3. The teacher warned the students not to cheat on the exam.(老师警告学生不要在考试中作弊。)

4. The police officer warned the driver about the dangers of speeding.(警察警告司机超速的危险。)

5. The sign on the fence warned people to beware of the dog.(围栏上的标志警告人们小心犬只。)

6. The parents warned their children not to talk to strangers.(父母警告孩子们不要和陌生人说话。)

7. The captain warned the crew about the approaching pirate ship.(船长警告船员即将靠近的海盗船。)

8. The government issued a warning about the potential terrorist threat.(政府发布了有关潜在恐怖主义威胁的警告。)

9. The hiker was warned about the dangers of hiking alone in the wilderness.(徒步旅行者被警告独自在荒野中徒步的危险。)

10. The security guard warned the trespassers to leave the premises immediately.(保安警告闯入者立即离开现场。)

11. The smoke alarm warned the family of a fire in the house.(烟雾报警器警告家人房子着火。)

12. The coach warned the players to stay focused and disciplined during the game.(教练警告球员在比赛中保持专注和纪律。)

13. The teacher warned the students not to plagiarize in their assignments.(老师警告学生们不要在作业中剽窃。)

14. The lifeguard warned swimmers about the strong currents in the ocean.(救生员警告游泳者海洋中的强劲洋流。)

15. The cybersecurity expert warned the company about the risks of a potential cyber attack.(网络安全专家警告公司潜在的网络攻击风险。)

上一个 【英语】warmhearted的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】warning的例句



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