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时间: 2024-10-07 15:45:41


1. The surfer rode the wave all the way to the shore. (冲浪者一直顺着浪花滑到了岸边。)

2. The children laughed and played in the waves at the beach. (孩子们在海滩上笑着玩耍在海浪中。)

3. The wave of protests swept through the city, demanding political change. (抗议浪潮席卷了这座城市,要求政治改革。)

4. She gave a friendly wave to her neighbor as she walked by. (她走过时向邻居友好地挥手致意。)

5. The wave of nostalgia hit me as I listened to the old song. (当我听着那首老歌时,一股怀旧之情涌上心头。)

6. The crowd erupted into a wave of cheers as the home team scored the winning goal. (主队打进制胜球,全场观众一片欢呼声。)

7. The wave crashed against the rocks, sending spray into the air. (浪花拍打在岩石上,溅起了水花。)

8. She waved her hand to signal for the bus to stop. (她挥动手示意公交车停下。)

9. The new fashion trend is starting to make waves in the industry. (新的时尚潮流开始在这个行业中掀起波澜。)

10. The politician's controversial statement caused a wave of criticism from the public. (政客的争议性言论引起了公众的一片批评声。)

11. The earthquake created a massive wave that devastated the coastal town. (地震引发了一股巨大的海啸,摧毁了沿岸小镇。)

12. He waved goodbye to his friends as he boarded the plane. (他登机时向朋友挥手告别。)

13. The wave of heat hit us as we stepped off the air-conditioned bus. (我们从空调巴士上下来时,一股热浪袭来。)

14. The wave of excitement in the stadium was palpable as the concert began. (音乐会开始时,球场上一片兴奋的气氛弥漫开来。)

15. The company's new product release made a big wave in the market. (公司的新产品发布在市场上掀起了巨大的波澜。)

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