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时间: 2024-10-07 09:48:58


1. She likes to wear a different outfit every day. (她喜欢每天穿不同的衣服。)

2. In some cultures, it is customary to wear special clothing for certain occasions. (在一些文化中,为特定场合穿特殊服装是习俗。)

3. I always wear my lucky socks when I have an important meeting. (我在重要会议时总是穿着我的幸运袜子。)

4. The dress code for the party is to wear cocktail attire. (派对的着装要求是穿着鸡尾酒会礼服。)

5. It's important to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. (涂抹防晒霜对保护皮肤免受阳光伤害很重要。)

6. The actor will wear a costume for the stage performance. (演员将在舞台表演时穿着戏服。)

7. I don't like to wear heavy jewelry, I prefer simple accessories. (我不喜欢戴厚重的珠宝,我更喜欢简单的饰品。)

8. The soldiers wear camouflage uniforms for concealment in the field. (士兵们穿迷彩制服在野外进行隐蔽作业。)

9. Can you wear this hat to the party? It will complete your outfit. (你能在派对上戴这顶帽子吗?它会让你的装扮更完美。)

10. She likes to wear her hair in a ponytail when she goes to the gym. (她喜欢去健身房时把头发扎成马尾辫。)

11. The bride will wear a white gown for her wedding. (新娘将在婚礼上穿着一袭白色的礼服。)

12. It's cold outside, so remember to wear a coat. (外面很冷,记得穿上外套。)

13. I always wear a smile on my face to greet my customers. (我总是面带微笑迎接我的顾客。)

14. The doctor advised him to wear a wrist brace to support his injured hand. (医生建议他戴手腕支撑器来支撑受伤的手。)

15. The actress will wear a wig for her role in the movie. (女演员在电影中的角色需要戴假发。)

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