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时间: 2024-10-07 09:48:34


1. She learned to weave baskets from her grandmother. 她从奶奶那里学会了编织篮子。

2. The artist used different colors of thread to weave a beautiful tapestry. 艺术家用不同颜色的线编织了一幅美丽的挂毯。

3. The spider weaves a intricate web to catch its prey. 蜘蛛编织了一个复杂的网来捕捉猎物。

4. The author skillfully weaves together multiple plotlines in her novel. 作者巧妙地将多个情节编织在她的小说中。

5. The fabric is made by weaving cotton and silk together. 这种织物是通过将棉花和丝织在一起制成的。

6. The teacher wanted to weave some educational themes into the lesson.老师想在课堂中融入一些教育主题。

7. The dancer's movements seemed to weave a story on the stage. 舞者的动作在舞台上似乎编织出一个故事。

8. The artist used different materials to weave a sculpture. 艺术家用不同的材料编织了一座雕塑。

9. The politician tried to weave a narrative that would appeal to voters. 政治家试图编织一个吸引选民的叙述。

10. The author skillfully weaves historical facts into her fictional story. 作者巧妙地将历史事实编织到她的虚构故事中。

11. The weaver used a traditional loom to weave a traditional rug. 织工使用传统的织布机编织了一条传统的地毯。

12. The spider weaves its web to catch insects for food. 蜘蛛编织网来捕捉昆虫作为食物。

13. The poet weaves words together to create beautiful imagery. 诗人将词语编织在一起,创造出美丽的意象。

14. The artist used different textures to weave a visually interesting painting. 艺术家使用不同的质感编织了一幅视觉上有趣的画作。

15. The storyteller weaves a tale of adventure and mystery. 故事讲述者编织了一个冒险和神秘的故事。

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