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时间: 2024-09-17 13:10:58


1. He is a well-known author in the literary world. (他是文学界中著名的作家。)

2. The restaurant is well-known for its delicious seafood. (这家餐厅以其美味的海鲜而闻名。)

3. She is a well-known actress who has won numerous awards. (她是一位获得过多个奖项的知名女演员。)

4. The company is well-known for its innovative technology. (该公司以其创新技术而著名。)

5. He is a well-known philanthropist who has donated millions to charity. (他是一位向慈善事业捐赠了数百万的知名慈善家。)

6. The painting is by a well-known artist. (这幅画是一位知名艺术家的作品。)

7. The city is well-known for its historical landmarks. (这个城市以其历史地标而闻名。)

8. The singer is well-known for her powerful voice. (这位歌手以其激情四溢的嗓音而著名。)

9. The lawyer is well-known for his expertise in criminal law. (这位律师以其在刑法方面的专业知识而闻名。)

10. The company is well-known for its excellent customer service. (该公司以其出色的客户服务而著名。)

11. The athlete is well-known for breaking world records. (这位运动员以打破世界纪录而闻名。)

12. The politician is well-known for his controversial statements. (这位政治家以其具有争议性的言论而著名。)

13. The university is well-known for its prestigious academic programs. (这所大学以其声誉卓著的学术项目而闻名。)

14. The company is well-known for its commitment to sustainability. (该公司以其对可持续发展的承诺而著名。)

15. The book is by a well-known expert in the field. (这本书是由该领域中一位知名专家撰写的。)

上一个 【英语】well-being的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】well-meaning的例句



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