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时间: 2024-09-17 13:12:21


1. I visited a beautiful Welsh castle during my trip to Wales.(我在威尔士之行中参观了一座美丽的城堡。)

2. The Welsh language is known for its unique sounds and pronunciation.(威尔士语以其独特的发音和语调而闻名。)

3. My friend is of Welsh descent, and she is very proud of her heritage.(我的朋友是威尔士血统,她为自己的传统感到非常自豪。)

4. The Welsh countryside is breathtakingly beautiful, with its rolling hills and lush greenery.(威尔士乡村风景如画,起伏的山丘和郁郁葱葱的绿色令人心旷神怡。)

5. We enjoyed a traditional Welsh meal of lamb and leeks during our visit.(我们在访问期间享用了传统的威尔士羊肉和韭菜饭。)

6. The Welsh flag features a red dragon, symbolizing the country's heritage and history.(威尔士国旗上有一只红色的龙,象征着这个国家的传统和历史。)

7. Many Welsh people are passionate about rugby, which is a popular sport in the country.(许多威尔士人对橄榄球充满热情,这是该国的一项流行运动。)

8. The Welsh music festival was a lively celebration of traditional folk music and dance.(威尔士音乐节是对传统民间音乐和舞蹈的热烈庆祝。)

9. The Welsh coastline is known for its rugged cliffs and stunning beaches.(威尔士海岸线以崎岖的悬崖和迷人的海滩而闻名。)

10. The Welsh poet Dylan Thomas is celebrated for his evocative and lyrical works.(威尔士诗人迪伦·托马斯因其引人入胜的抒情作品而备受赞誉。)

11. The Welsh language has a rich literary tradition dating back centuries.(威尔士语拥有源远流长的丰富文学传统。)

12. The Welsh mining industry has played a significant role in the country's history and economy.(威尔士矿业在该国的历史和经济中起着重要作用。)

13. We learned about the Welsh folklore and mythology during our visit to a local museum.(我们在当地博物馆参观时了解了威尔士的民间传说和神话。)

14. The Welsh dragon is a symbol of national pride and identity.(威尔士龙是国家自豪感和身份认同的象征。)

15. The Welsh community in our town celebrates St. David's Day with a lively parade and traditional music.(我们镇上的威尔士社区会通过热闹的游行和传统音乐庆祝圣大卫节。)

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