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时间: 2024-09-17 13:02:09


1. I don't know whether I should go to the party tonight. (我不知道今晚是否应该去参加派对。)

2. They are still deciding whether to take the job offer or not. (他们还在考虑是否接受这份工作的邀请。)

3. The teacher asked the students whether they had finished their homework. (老师问学生们是否完成了他们的家庭作业。)

4. She is unsure whether she should buy the red dress or the blue one. (她不确定是买红色裙子还是蓝色的。)

5. The company is considering whether to expand into international markets. (公司正在考虑是否进军国际市场。)

6. The weather forecast will determine whether we can have a picnic tomorrow. (天气预报将决定我们明天是否能够野餐。)

7. He asked me whether I had seen his missing wallet. (他问我是否看到了他丢失的钱包。)

8. I'm not sure whether I can attend the meeting next week. (我不确定下周是否能参加会议。)

9. They are debating whether to raise prices on their products. (他们正在讨论是否要提高产品的价格。)

10. The doctor will determine whether surgery is necessary. (医生将确定是否需要进行手术。)

11. The team is discussing whether to change their strategy for the next game. (团队正在讨论是否要改变下一场比赛的策略。)

12. She is deciding whether to pursue a career in acting or singing. (她正在决定是否要从事演艺或唱歌事业。)

13. The survey will help determine whether customers are satisfied with the new product. (这项调查将有助于确定顾客是否对新产品满意。)

14. He asked me whether I had any dietary restrictions. (他问我是否有任何饮食限制。)

15. The court will decide whether the defendant is guilty or not. (法庭将决定被告是否有罪。)

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