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时间: 2024-09-10 06:59:37


1. She wore a beautiful white dress to the party. (她穿了一件漂亮的白色连衣裙去参加派对。)

2. The snow covered the ground, turning it white. (雪覆盖了地面,使它变成了白色。)

3. The walls of the room were painted white. (房间的墙壁被涂成了白色。)

4. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses. (新娘手里拿着一束白玫瑰花。)

5. The doctor gave me a prescription for white pills. (医生给了我一张开有白色药片的处方。)

6. The whiteboard in the classroom is used for teaching and writing notes. (教室里的白板用于教学和写笔记。)

7. The white noise from the fan helped me fall asleep. (风扇发出的白噪音帮助我入睡。)

8. The white flag was raised to signal surrender. (举起白旗表示投降。)

9. The white sand on the beach was soft and warm. (海滩上的白沙细软而温暖。)

10. The chef prepared a delicious dish using white truffles. (厨师用白松露制作了一道美味的菜肴。)

11. The artist used white paint to highlight the subject in the painting. (艺术家用白色油漆突出了绘画中的主题。)

12. The white wine was served chilled with dinner. (晚餐时,白葡萄酒是冷藏的。)

13. The white cat curled up on the windowsill and basked in the sun. (白猫蜷缩在窗台上晒太阳。)

14. The doctor advised me to eat more foods that are high in white meat, such as chicken and fish. (医生建议我多吃富含白肉的食物,如鸡肉和鱼肉。)

15. The bride's father walked her down the aisle in a crisp white suit. (新娘的父亲穿着一套干净的白色西装陪伴她走上红地毯。)

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