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时间: 2024-09-20 01:06:15


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "yearn," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She yearned for the peaceful countryside after years of city life. (她渴望在城市生活多年后回归宁静的乡村。)

2. He yearned to travel the world and experience different cultures. (他渴望周游世界,体验不同的文化。)

3. The child yearned for her absent father. (这个孩子渴望她不在身边的父亲。)

4. They yearned for justice to be served. (他们渴望正义得以伸张。)

5. As winter approached, she began to yearn for warmer days. (随着冬天的临近,她开始渴望更暖和的日子。)

6. The artist yearned for recognition of her talent. (这位艺术家渴望人们认可她的才华。)

7. He yearned to make a meaningful impact on the world. (他渴望对世界产生深远的影响。)

8. The prisoner yearned for freedom after years behind bars. (囚犯渴望在数年的囚禁后重获自由。)

9. They yearned for a simpler way of life. (他们渴望过上更简单的生活。)

10. She yearned to see her childhood home one more time. (她渴望再次看到她的童年家园。)

11. The explorer yearned for new discoveries in uncharted lands. (这位探险家渴望在未知的土地上有新的发现。)

12. He yearned for the days when he was carefree and young. (他渴望回到无忧无虑、年轻的日子。)

13. She yearned for the opportunity to prove herself. (她渴望证明自己的机会。)

14. The team yearned for victory after a string of defeats. (团队在一连串的失败后渴望获得胜利。)

15. He yearned for the companionship of his old friends. (他渴望与老朋友们的相伴。)

These sentences cover various contexts in which "yearn" is used, reflecting desires ranging from personal fulfillment to longing for specific experiences or conditions.

上一个 【英语】yearly的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】yeast的例句



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