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时间: 2024-10-07 09:50:51


Certainly! 这里有关于单词 "circumference" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The circumference of a circle is calculated by multiplying its diameter by π. (圆的周长通过将其直径乘以π来计算。)

2. They walked around the circumference of the lake to reach the other side. (他们沿着湖的周边走来走去,到达了湖的另一边。)

3. The fence surrounds the circumference of the property for security. (围栏环绕财产的周长以确保安全。)

4. The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,075 kilometers. (地球的周长约为40,075公里。)

5. She measured the circumference of his waist to tailor the suit. (她测量了他的腰围,以裁剪西装。)

6. Engineers designed the park with a walking path along its circumference. (工程师设计了沿其周边的步道公园。)

7. The circumference of the table allowed for eight people to sit comfortably. (桌子的周长足够八个人舒适地坐下。)

8. They marked the circumference of the playground for the new soccer field. (他们标记了操场的周边,为新的足球场做准备。)

9. The circus tent's circumference was brightly lit for the evening show. (马戏团帐篷的周边为晚间表演点亮了明亮的灯光。)

10. The circumference of the pipe needed to be measured precisely for fitting. (需要精确测量管道的周长以便进行安装。)

11. He traced the circumference of her face with his fingers. (他用手指沿着她的脸部轮廓轻轻触摸。)

12. The wall follows the circumference of the ancient city. (城墙沿着古城的周长延伸。)

13. The circumference of the tire affects the vehicle's handling and stability. (轮胎的周长影响车辆的操控和稳定性。)

14. They walked the circumference of the island in a single day. (他们一天内走完了岛的周长。)

15. The artist painted a delicate line along the circumference of the vase. (艺术家在花瓶的周边画了一条精细的线条。)

希望这些例句能帮助你理解和使用 "circumference" 这个词汇!

上一个 【英语】circumcise的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】circumnavigate的例句



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