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时间: 2024-10-05 22:48:02


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "decelerate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The car began to decelerate as it approached the intersection.

- 汽车在接近十字路口时开始减速。

2. Economic growth is expected to decelerate next year.

- 预计明年经济增长将放缓。

3. The plane decelerated smoothly as it landed on the runway.

- 飞机在跑道上着陆时平稳减速。

4. She gradually decelerated her speech to help the students understand.

- 她逐渐放慢讲话速度以帮助学生理解。

5. The train decelerated as it approached the station.

- 火车在接近车站时减速。

6. In order to make the turn safely, you need to decelerate beforehand.

- 为了安全转弯,你需要提前减速。

7. As the race car entered the curve, it started to decelerate.

- 赛车进入弯道时开始减速。

8. Economic reforms may temporarily decelerate growth but will stabilize the economy in the long run.

- 经济改革可能暂时放缓增长,但从长远来看将稳定经济。

9. The spaceship used its retro rockets to decelerate as it approached the planet.

- 宇宙飞船在接近行星时使用倒推火箭减速。

10. The medicine helps to decelerate the progression of the disease.

- 这种药物有助于减缓疾病的进展。

11. The athlete had to decelerate quickly to avoid crashing into the hurdle.

- 运动员不得不迅速减速以避免撞到跨栏。

12. In response to the economic slowdown, the government implemented measures to decelerate inflation.

- 针对经济放缓,政府实施了减缓通货膨胀的措施。

13. The roller coaster decelerated as it approached the loading platform.

- 过山车在接近加载平台时开始减速。

14. The city implemented traffic calming measures to decelerate vehicles in residential areas.

- 城市在居住区实施了交通减速措施,以降低车速。

15. The ship decelerated gradually as it approached the harbor.

- 船只在接近港口时逐渐减速。


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