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时间: 2024-09-20 11:31:13



1. The river delimits the boundary between the two countries. (这条河界定了两国之间的边界。)

2. The rules clearly delimit what is acceptable behavior in the workplace. (这些规定清楚地界定了职场上可接受的行为。)

3. The law delimits the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. (法律界定了房东和租户的权利和责任。)

4. The mountain range delimits the northern edge of the country. (这条山脉界定了国家的北部边界。)

5. The contract delimits the scope of services that will be provided. (合同界定了将会提供的服务范围。)

6. They used fences to delimit their property from the neighboring farm. (他们用篱笆将自己的财产与邻居的农场界分开。)

7. The policy aims to delimit the influence of big corporations in politics. (这项政策旨在限定大公司在政治上的影响力。)

8. The city ordinances delimit where street vendors can operate. (市政条例规定了街头摊贩可以经营的地点。)

9. The research project delimits its study to a specific time period. (这个研究项目将其研究范围限定在特定的时间段内。)

10. The guidelines delimit the permissible noise levels in residential areas. (这些指南界定了居住区内允许的噪音水平。)

11. The treaty delimits the fishing rights in the disputed waters. (条约界定了争议水域内的捕鱼权。)

12. The regulations delimit the hours during which construction can take place. (这些法规规定了建筑工作可以进行的时间段。)

13. The court order delimits the activities of the protesters near government buildings. (法院命令限制了抗议者在政府建筑附近的活动。)

14. The zoning laws delimit the types of businesses that can operate in each district. (区域规划法规定了每个区域可以经营的企业类型。)

15. The study aims to delimit the factors contributing to economic growth. (这项研究旨在界定促进经济增长的因素。)


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