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时间: 2024-09-20 08:04:28


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with "paternal" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. His paternal instincts kicked in when he saw the child crying. (他看到孩子哭泣时,父性的本能就显现出来了。)

2. The company has a paternal approach to employee welfare, offering extensive benefits and support. (公司对员工福利采取了父亲般的关怀态度,提供了广泛的福利和支持。)

3. He inherited his paternal grandfather's love for gardening. (他继承了他祖父对园艺的热爱。)

4. Despite his tough exterior, he had a warm and paternal heart. (尽管他外表强硬,但内心却温暖且慈爱。)

5. The president spoke to the nation in a paternal tone, reassuring them during the crisis. (总统以一种父亲般的语调对全国发表讲话,在危机期间给人们以安抚。)

6. His paternal lineage could be traced back several centuries. (他的父系血统可以追溯到几个世纪以前。)

7. She sought comfort in her father's paternal embrace. (她在父亲慈爱的拥抱中寻找安慰。)

8. The organization had a paternalistic leadership style, making decisions for the employees' supposed benefit. (该组织采取了家长式的领导风格,代表员工做出决策,以谋求他们的利益。)

9. His paternal grandfather taught him traditional woodworking skills. (他的祖父教他传统的木工技艺。)

10. The elderly man had a paternal manner that put everyone at ease. (这位老人有一种慈祥的举止,让所有人感到放心。)

11. She received a paternal inheritance after her father passed away. (在父亲去世后,她继承了一笔遗产。)

12. His paternal aunt always greeted him with a warm smile. (他的姑妈总是用温暖的笑容来迎接他。)

13. The company's paternal policies included flexible working hours and childcare support. (公司的父性政策包括灵活的工作时间和儿童看护支持。)

14. His paternal concern for his younger siblings was evident in his actions. (他对年幼兄妹的父爱之心在他的行动中表露无遗。)

15. The king displayed paternal authority over his subjects, guiding them with wisdom. (国王对臣民展示了父亲般的权威,以智慧引导他们。)


上一个 【英语】unpatriotic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】paternalism的例句



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