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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:50



1. The police decided to exhume the body to gather more evidence.

- 警方决定挖掘尸体以收集更多证据。

2. Scientists plan to exhume the remains of ancient humans for research.

- 科学家计划挖掘古代人类的遗骸以进行研究。

3. The historical society wants to exhume the grave of the famous explorer.

- 历史学会想要挖掘那位著名探险家的坟墓。

4. To solve the mystery, they had to exhume the body and perform a new autopsy.

- 为了解决这个谜团,他们必须挖掘尸体并进行新的尸检。

5. The family requested to exhume the body to relocate it to a different cemetery.

- 家人请求挖掘尸体,将其迁移到另一个墓地。

6. Exhuming the body was a controversial decision in the ongoing investigation.

- 在持续的调查中,挖掘尸体是一个有争议的决定。

7. The archaeologists worked carefully to exhume the artifacts from the ancient site.

- 考古学家们小心翼翼地挖掘出古代遗址上的文物。

8. She was hesitant about the idea of exhuming her late husband’s body.

- 她对挖掘已故丈夫的尸体这个想法感到犹豫。

9. Exhumation is often required in forensic investigations to re-examine evidence.

- 在法医调查中,挖掘通常是为了重新检查证据。

10. They had to exhume the grave to verify the identity of the deceased.

- 他们不得不挖掘坟墓以核实死者的身份。

11. The church authorities were reluctant to allow the exhumation of the saint’s remains.

- 教会当局不愿意允许挖掘圣人的遗骸。

12. In rare cases, exhumation may be necessary to correct a mistake made at the time of burial.

- 在少数情况下,挖掘可能是为了纠正埋葬时所犯的错误。

13. Exhuming a body requires legal permission from the authorities.

- 挖掘尸体需要获得当局的法律许可。

14. The government authorized the exhumation of mass graves from the conflict.

- 政府批准了对冲突中的集体墓地进行挖掘。

15. The decision to exhume the body was met with mixed reactions from the public.

- 对于挖掘尸体的决定,公众反应不一。


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