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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:03



1. My ex-boyfriend called me yesterday.

- 我的前男友昨天给我打了电话。

2. She still keeps in touch with her ex-colleagues.

- 她仍然和她的前同事保持联系。

3. The ex-president gave a speech at the conference.

- 前总统在会议上发表了讲话。

4. We are moving to a new house because the ex-owner sold the old one.

- 我们要搬到新房子里,因为前任房主卖掉了旧房子。

5. He is now working as a consultant after retiring as an ex-engineer.

- 他现在作为顾问工作,在退休前是工程师。

6. She received a letter from her ex-husband.

- 她收到了一封来自前夫的信。

7. The ex-employee was offered a new position in the company.

- 那位前员工在公司里获得了一个新职位。

8. My ex-roommate still owes me money for the utilities.

- 我的前室友还欠我水电费。

9. The ex-CEO announced his retirement last week.

- 前首席执行官上周宣布了他的退休。

10. His ex-girlfriend was at the party, and it was a bit awkward.

- 他的前女友在派对上,这有点尴尬。

11. The ex-mayor is now running for a different political office.

- 前市长现在正在竞选一个不同的政治职位。

12. She’s an ex-teacher who now runs a tutoring business.

- 她是一位前教师,现在经营一家辅导业务。

13. The ex-landlord didn’t return the security deposit.

- 前房东没有退还押金。

14. The ex-director of the company spoke about the company's future plans.

- 公司前董事谈论了公司的未来计划。

15. My ex-classmate reached out to reconnect after many years.

- 我的前同学在多年后联系我重新建立联系。

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