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时间: 2024-09-29 00:43:08


当我们说 "irrelative" 时,可能是指 "irrelevant" 的误用或拼写错误。"Irrelative" 并非标准英语词汇,因此在正式的英语语境中不建议使用。正确的词汇应该是 "irrelevant",意为不相关的、无关的。

以下是 "irrelevant" 的一些例句及其中文解释:

1. His comments were irrelevant to the topic of discussion. (他的评论与讨论的主题无关。)

2. Please refrain from bringing up irrelevant matters during the meeting. (请在会议期间避免提及无关的事项。)

3. The judge dismissed the irrelevant evidence presented by the defense. (法官驳回了被辩方提出的无关证据。)

4. She tends to go off on tangents and talk about irrelevant details. (她倾向于离题并讲述无关的细节。)

5. His personal problems are irrelevant to his professional performance. (他的个人问题与他的职业表现无关。)

6. The article included a lot of irrelevant information that confused the readers. (这篇文章包含了很多无关信息,使读者感到困惑。)

7. The professor asked us to focus only on relevant facts, not irrelevant theories. (教授要求我们只关注相关的事实,而不是无关的理论。)

8. Bringing up past mistakes is irrelevant to our current project. (提及过去的错误与我们目前的项目无关。)

9. His objections were deemed irrelevant by the committee. (委员会认为他的反对意见是无关紧要的。)

10. The report contained a section that was largely irrelevant to the main findings. (报告中包含了一个与主要发现大部分无关的部分。)

11. The team decided to ignore the irrelevant comments made by the spectators. (团队决定忽略观众们无关的评论。)

12. When answering exam questions, make sure you don't include irrelevant information. (在回答考试问题时,确保不包含无关信息。)

13. She tends to get sidetracked by irrelevant details. (她往往会被无关的细节牵扯开。)

14. The detective ignored the suspect's attempts to introduce irrelevant information. (侦探忽略了嫌疑人试图引入无关信息的尝试。)

15. The judge instructed the jury to disregard the witness's irrelevant testimony. (法官指示陪审团不要理会证人无关的证词。)

希望以上的例句能帮助你理解和正确使用 "irrelevant" 这个词汇!

上一个 【英语】irrational的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】irresolute的例句



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