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时间: 2024-09-29 00:43:10



1. The sudden irruption of laughter disrupted the solemn atmosphere of the funeral. (突如其来的笑声打破了葬礼的庄严氛围。)

2. The irruption of tourists during peak season overwhelmed the small village. (旅游旺季游客的大量涌入使小村庄不堪重负。)

3. There was an unexpected irruption of ideas during the brainstorming session. (头脑风暴会议上出现了意想不到的创意涌现。)

4. The wildlife photographer captured the irruption of a rare bird species in the forest. (野生动物摄影师捕捉到了森林中一种稀有鸟类的突然出现。)

5. The irruption of new technology revolutionized the industry overnight. (新技术的突然出现一夜之间彻底改变了这个行业。)

6. The sudden irruption of violence shocked the peaceful community. (暴力的突如其来使这个和平的社区震惊不已。)

7. The irruption of applause signaled the end of the performance. (掌声的突然响起标志着演出的结束。)

8. The irruption of emotions made it difficult for him to speak. (情感的突然爆发使他难以开口。)

9. The irruption of spring brought warmth and new life to the garden. (春天的突然到来为花园带来了温暖和新生。)

10. The irruption of light through the clouds illuminated the landscape. (阳光从云层中突然射出,照亮了整个景观。)

11. The sudden irruption of memories flooded her mind. (回忆的突然涌现使她的思绪一下子变得混乱。)

12. The irruption of protests in the capital city drew international attention. (首都爆发的抗议引起了国际关注。)

13. The unexpected irruption of guests forced them to prepare more food. (意外的客人涌入迫使他们准备更多食物。)

14. The irruption of tears betrayed her calm exterior. (眼泪的突然涌现暴露了她表面上的平静。)

15. The irruption of creativity in his artwork surprised even himself. (他的艺术作品中创意的突然爆发甚至让他自己都感到惊讶。)


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