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时间: 2024-09-29 00:48:22


当某人说谎是不道德的行为。 (Lying is an immoral behavior, meaning it is not morally right.)

偷窃是社会不道德的行为。 (Stealing is an immoral act in society, indicating a lack of moral principles.)

鼓励别人自私是一种不道德的行为。 (Encouraging others to be selfish is an immoral behavior.)

种族歧视是一种道德败坏的表现。 (Racial discrimination is a manifestation of moral decay.)

虐待动物被认为是不道德的。 (Animal abuse is considered immoral.)

政客们经常因为不道德的行为而受到批评。 (Politicians are often criticized for immoral behavior.)

在商业中,欺诈被视为不道德的行为。 (In business, fraud is seen as immoral behavior.)

忽视穷人的需求是不道德的。 (Neglecting the needs of the poor is immoral.)

不顾他人感受而伤害他们是不道德的行为。 (Hurting others without regard for their feelings is immoral behavior.)

剥削工人是一种不道德的做法。 (Exploiting workers is an immoral practice.)

性骚扰是不道德的行为,不应被容忍。 (Sexual harassment is immoral behavior and should not be tolerated.)

腐败行为是政府不道德的标志。 (Corruption is a sign of government immorality.)

侵犯他人隐私是不道德的行为。 (Violating someone's privacy is an immoral act.)

自私自利的行为通常被认为是不道德的。 (Selfish behavior is often considered immoral.)

强迫他人做不道德的事是不可接受的。 (Forcing others to do immoral things is unacceptable.)

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