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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:07



1. The prisoners were subjected to inhuman treatment during their captivity.(囚犯们在囚禁期间遭受非人道的对待。)

2. The conditions in the factory were described as inhuman by the workers.(工厂的条件被工人们描述为非人道的。)

3. The novel explores the inhumanity that war can bring out in people.(这部小说探讨了战争能够激发人们非人性的一面。)

4. The abandoned animals suffered inhuman neglect.(被遗弃的动物遭受了非人道的忽视。)

5. The dictator's regime was known for its inhuman repression of dissent.(独裁者的政权因其对异议的非人道镇压而出名。)

6. She endured hours of inhuman interrogation without a break.(她连续数小时经受非人道的审讯而没有间断。)

7. The homeless faced inhuman living conditions on the streets.(无家可归者在街头面临非人道的生活条件。)

8. The documentary exposed the inhuman treatment of refugees in detention camps.(这部纪录片揭露了拘留营中对难民非人道的待遇。)

9. The soldiers were accused of inhuman behavior towards civilians.(士兵们被指控对平民表现出非人性的行为。)

10. The experiments conducted on prisoners were deemed inhuman by human rights organizations.(对囚犯进行的实验被人权组织认定为非人道行为。)

11. The story highlights the inhumanity of child labor in sweatshops.(这个故事突显了血汗工厂中童工的非人道境遇。)

12. The inhuman working hours took a toll on her health.(过长的工作时间对她的健康造成了伤害。)

13. The survivors recounted tales of inhuman suffering in the refugee camps.(幸存者讲述了在难民营中遭受的非人道苦难。)

14. The inhuman conditions pushed many to seek asylum abroad.(非人道的环境迫使许多人寻求在国外的庇护。)

15. The judge condemned the defendant for his inhuman actions.(法官谴责被告的非人道行为。)


上一个 【英语】inglorious的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】injustice的例句



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