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时间: 2024-09-20 13:05:52



1. The economic hardships impel many people to seek better opportunities abroad. (经济困难迫使许多人寻求海外的更好机会。)

2. His passion for justice impelled him to join the civil rights movement. (他对正义的热情驱使他加入了民权运动。)

3. Fear of failure impelled her to work harder than ever before. (对失败的恐惧促使她比以往任何时候都更努力工作。)

4. The urgent need for medical attention impelled them to call an ambulance. (迫切需要医疗救助促使他们叫了救护车。)

5. A sense of duty impelled him to volunteer for the rescue mission. (责任感驱使他自愿参加了救援任务。)

6. The overwhelming evidence impelled the jury to reach a guilty verdict. (压倒性的证据促使陪审团作出了有罪判决。)

7. Curiosity impelled her to explore the abandoned mansion. (好奇心驱使她探索这座废弃的大宅。)

8. Their deep love for music impelled them to start a band together. (他们对音乐的深厚热爱促使他们一起组建了乐队。)

9. The desire for revenge impelled him to confront his enemy. (复仇的欲望促使他面对他的敌人。)

10. The need to protect her family impelled her to learn self-defense techniques. (保护家人的需要促使她学习了自卫技巧。)

11. His fear of heights impelled him to avoid tall buildings. (他对高处的恐惧促使他避开高楼大厦。)

12. The escalating conflict impelled the leaders to seek a diplomatic solution. (不断升级的冲突促使领导人寻求外交解决方案。)

13. The deadline impelled them to work late into the night. (最后期限促使他们工作到深夜。)

14. His strong faith impelled him to forgive those who wronged him. (他坚定的信念促使他原谅了那些冤枉他的人。)

15. Economic pressures impelled the company to downsize its workforce. (经济压力促使公司裁减了员工人数。)


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