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时间: 2024-09-18 12:11:31



1. The restroom had a strong malodor that made it unpleasant to use. (洗手间有一种浓烈的臭气,让人不愿使用。)

2. They sprayed air freshener to mask the malodor from the garbage bin. (他们喷洒空气清新剂来掩盖垃圾桶的臭味。)

3. The malodor of rotten eggs filled the kitchen after the power outage. (停电后,腐烂鸡蛋的臭味弥漫了厨房。)

4. The chemical spill caused a malodor that lingered for days. (化学泄漏引起的臭味持续了几天。)

5. He wrinkled his nose at the malodor emanating from the sewer drain. (他因下水道排出的臭气而皱起了鼻子。)

6. The malodor of burnt rubber permeated the air around the factory. (烧焦的橡胶散发出的臭气弥漫在工厂周围的空气中。)

7. They used industrial cleaners to eliminate the malodor from the carpets. (他们使用工业清洁剂来消除地毯上的异味。)

8. A malodor of decaying organic matter wafted from the compost pile. (腐烂有机物的异味从堆肥堆中飘出。)

9. The malodor in the basement suggested a plumbing problem. (地下室里的异味暗示着一个管道问题。)

10. The malodor of stale cigarette smoke clung to his clothes. (陈旧的烟味让他的衣服散发出异味。)

11. They installed ventilation fans to disperse the malodor from the kitchen. (他们安装了通风扇来驱散厨房的异味。)

12. The malodor of spoiled milk made her nauseous. (变质牛奶的异味让她感到恶心。)

13. The malodor from the sewer pipes permeated the entire neighborhood. (下水道管道散发出的异味弥漫了整个社区。)

14. The malodor of rotting fish greeted them as they approached the dock. (走近码头时,腐烂鱼类的异味迎面扑来。)

15. The malodor from the landfill was noticeable even from a distance. (垃圾填埋场散发的异味甚至从远处都能察觉到。)


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