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时间: 2024-10-07 11:51:52


Certainly! 这里有关于"outwit"的例句及其中文解释:

1. He managed to outwit his opponents with clever strategy. (他通过巧妙的策略设法智胜对手。)

2. The detective tried to outwit the criminal by predicting his next move. (侦探试图通过预测罪犯的下一步来智胜他。)

3. She outwitted her competitors in the chess tournament. (她在国际象棋比赛中智胜了她的竞争对手。)

4. The fox used its cunning to outwit the hunters. (狐狸运用狡诈智胜了猎人。)

5. He tried to outwit the traffic by taking a shortcut. (他试图通过走捷径来避开交通。)

6. The spy was skilled at outwitting surveillance. (间谍擅长智胜监视。)

7. She outwitted her older sister in a game of wits. (她在一场智力比拼中智胜了她姐姐。)

8. The cunning thief managed to outwit the security guards and escape. (狡猾的小偷设法智胜了安保人员并逃脱了。)

9. Through careful planning, they outwitted their competitors and won the contract. (通过精心策划,他们智胜了竞争对手并赢得了合同。)

10. The team captain outwitted the opponents' defense with a surprising play. (队长用一个出人意料的战术智胜了对手的防守。)

11. Despite his youth, he often outwitted older colleagues with innovative ideas. (尽管年幼,他常常通过创新的想法智胜年长的同事。)

12. The clever negotiation tactics allowed him to outwit the stubborn negotiators. (聪明的谈判策略使他智胜了固执的谈判者。)

13. The student outwitted the examiners by finding a loophole in the rules. (学生通过找到规则的漏洞来智胜了考官。)

14. The comedian's quick wit enabled him to outwit hecklers during the show. (喜剧演员的机智使他能在表演中智胜喧哗者。)

15. By staying calm under pressure, she outwitted her fear and performed exceptionally well. (她在压力下保持冷静,智胜了自己的恐惧,并表现得非常出色。)


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