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时间: 2024-09-22 10:47:48



1. She suffered a breakdown due to overwork. (她因为工作过度而崩溃。)

2. Overwork can lead to burnout if not managed properly. (过度工作如果不得当处理会导致精疲力尽。)

3. The company's culture of overwork is causing high turnover rates. (公司的过度工作文化导致高离职率。)

4. He often stays late at the office because of overwork. (因为工作过度,他经常在办公室加班到很晚。)

5. Overwork without adequate breaks can be detrimental to one's health. (没有适当休息的过度工作对健康有害。)

6. The team's productivity declined due to overwork and fatigue. (由于过度工作和疲劳,团队的生产力下降了。)

7. She had to take a leave of absence to recover from overwork. (她不得不休假来恢复因为过度工作而导致的问题。)

8. Overwork is often cited as a major cause of stress in the workplace. (过度工作常被列为工作场所压力的主要原因。)

9. The new policy aims to reduce instances of overwork among employees. (新政策旨在减少员工的过度工作现象。)

10. His health deteriorated because of years of overwork. (多年的过度工作导致他的健康恶化。)

11. Overwork has become a widespread issue in many industries. (过度工作已经成为许多行业普遍存在的问题。)

12. The company faced criticism for its culture of overwork. (公司因其过度工作的文化而受到批评。)

13. Overwork can diminish creativity and innovation among employees. (过度工作会削弱员工的创造力和创新能力。)

14. She quit her job due to constant overwork and stress. (由于持续的过度工作和压力,她辞去了工作。)

15. Employers need to address the issue of overwork to improve employee well-being. (雇主需要解决过度工作的问题,以改善员工的福祉。)


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