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时间: 2024-09-22 06:58:24


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "overdose," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. He was rushed to the hospital after an overdose of sleeping pills.

- 他因服用过量安眠药而被紧急送往医院。

2. The overdose of caffeine left her feeling jittery and nauseous.

- 咖啡因过量使她感到焦虑不安和恶心。

3. She narrowly survived a heroin overdose last year.

- 她在去年险些死于海洛因过量。

4. The doctor warned about the dangers of overdosing on painkillers.

- 医生警告过量服用止痛药的危险性。

5. Overdose deaths related to opioids have been on the rise.

- 与阿片类药物相关的过量死亡人数不断上升。

6. He accidentally overdosed on his medication.

- 他意外服药过量了。

7. The documentary explores the impact of drug overdoses on families.

- 这部纪录片探讨了药物过量对家庭的影响。

8. Police suspect an overdose in the case of the young man found unconscious.

- 警方怀疑这名年轻男子昏迷的原因是药物过量。

9. She struggled with addiction and had several close calls with overdose.

- 她与药物成瘾抗争,曾多次险些因过量而死亡。

10. The increase in overdose deaths has prompted calls for better addiction treatment.

- 过量死亡人数的增加促使人们呼吁改进戒毒治疗。

11. Parents should educate their children about the dangers of drug overdose.

- 家长应该教育他们的孩子药物过量的危险性。

12. He was hospitalized after an accidental overdose of antidepressants.

- 他因意外服用抗抑郁药而住院。

13. The campaign aims to raise awareness about overdose prevention.

- 这次活动旨在提高人们对过量预防的意识。

14. Medical professionals are trained to respond to overdose emergencies.

- 医护人员接受过应对药物过量急救的培训。

15. She's working on a project to support survivors of overdose.

- 她正在开展一个支持药物过量幸存者的项目。


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