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时间: 2024-09-22 03:12:07


当地的监狱因为过度拥挤而面临着严重的问题,这导致了安全和卫生条件的恶化。 (Local prisons face serious issues due to being overcrowded, leading to deteriorating safety and hygiene conditions.)

火车上人太多,车厢内简直是站立不下了。 (There were too many people on the train; the carriage was literally standing room only.)

学校的教室挤得水泄不通,学生们很难有良好的学习环境。 (The classrooms in the school are overcrowded, making it difficult for students to have a conducive learning environment.)

在高峰时段,公交车上总是人满为患,很难挤进去。 (During peak hours, the buses are always overcrowded and difficult to get into.)

城市的街道拥堵不堪,导致交通问题日益严重。 (The city streets are overcrowded, leading to increasingly severe traffic problems.)

医院的急诊室因为病人太多而不堪重负。 (The hospital emergency room is overwhelmed with too many patients.)

在音乐会现场,人们挤得水泄不通,几乎无法移动。 (At the concert venue, people were packed in so tightly that it was almost impossible to move.)

公园里人山人海,完全没有休闲的空间。 (The park was overcrowded, with no space for relaxation.)

旅游景点因为游客太多而显得拥挤不堪。 (Tourist attractions are overcrowded due to too many visitors.)

地铁站上的人流拥挤,每天都是一幅热闹的景象。 (The subway station is crowded with commuters, creating a bustling scene every day.)

购物中心在节假日期间总是人满为患,很难找到空闲的位置。 (The shopping mall is always overcrowded during holidays, making it difficult to find a free space.)

游乐园的排队队伍因为人太多而长得惊人。 (The lines at the amusement park are incredibly long due to the large number of people.)

体育场上座无虚席,人们挤满了每个角落。 (The stadium is packed; every corner is filled with people.)

超市里因为顾客太多而显得拥挤不堪。 (The supermarket is overcrowded because there are too many customers.)

火车站的候车室里人群涌动,场面一片混乱。 (The waiting room at the train station is crowded, creating a chaotic scene.)

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