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时间: 2024-09-20 01:17:18


Certainly! "Prebuilt" 是一个英文词汇,指的是预先构建好的、预制的。以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The company offers prebuilt software solutions that can be customized to fit specific business needs. (该公司提供预先构建的软件解决方案,可以根据特定的业务需求进行定制。)

2. We decided to buy a prebuilt house rather than building one from scratch. (我们决定购买一栋预制的房子,而不是从头开始建造。)

3. The furniture store sells prebuilt bookshelves that are easy to assemble at home. (家具店销售预制的书架,可以在家轻松组装。)

4. The prebuilt components of the bicycle made it easy for beginners to assemble. (自行车的预制部件使初学者容易组装。)

5. The prebuilt models of cars are popular because they are ready to drive off the lot. (汽车的预制车型很受欢迎,因为它们可以直接开走。)

6. The software package includes prebuilt templates for creating presentations. (该软件包含预制模板,用于创建演示文稿。)

7. Instead of designing a website from scratch, she chose to use a prebuilt theme. (她选择使用预制主题,而不是从头开始设计网站。)

8. The prebuilt modules in the electronics kit simplified the process of building a robot. (电子套件中的预制模块简化了机器人组装的过程。)

9. The prebuilt circuit boards saved us a lot of time during the prototyping phase. (预制的电路板在原型制作阶段为我们节省了大量时间。)

10. They offer prebuilt training programs for new employees to quickly get up to speed. (他们为新员工提供预制的培训计划,以便快速适应工作。)

11. The prebuilt packages of meals made it convenient for busy families. (预制的餐食包为忙碌的家庭带来了方便。)

12. The company provides prebuilt APIs that developers can integrate into their applications. (该公司提供预制的API,开发人员可以将其集成到其应用程序中。)

13. We used prebuilt frameworks to accelerate the development of our software project. (我们使用预制的框架加快了软件项目的开发速度。)

14. The prebuilt models of airplanes come with detailed instructions for assembly. (飞机的预制模型配有详细的组装说明。)

15. By using prebuilt components, the team was able to deliver the prototype ahead of schedule. (通过使用预制的组件,团队能够提前交付原型。)


上一个 【英语】prepay的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】preamble的例句



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