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时间: 2024-10-06 18:56:03


“Precocious” 是一个形容词,用于描述一个人(通常是孩子)在某些方面(如智慧、技能)表现出比同龄人更早的成熟。以下是15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The precocious child could read before he was three years old.

- 那个早熟的孩子在三岁前就能阅读了。

2. Her precocious talent for music was evident even as a toddler.

- 她在幼儿时期就显现出了对音乐的早熟天赋。

3. The precocious teenager started college courses at the age of sixteen.

- 那位早熟的青少年在十六岁时就开始了大学课程。

4. Despite his precocious intellect, he struggled with social interactions.

- 尽管他的智慧早熟,他在社交互动上仍然有困难。

5. The precocious nature of the child impressed all his teachers.

- 孩子的早熟性格让所有的老师都印象深刻。

6. She was known for her precocious understanding of complex mathematical concepts.

- 她因对复杂数学概念的早熟理解而闻名。

7. His precocious behavior often surprised the adults around him.

- 他的早熟行为常常让周围的成年人感到惊讶。

8. The precocious young author published her first book at the age of twelve.

- 那位早熟的年轻作家在十二岁时出版了她的第一本书。

9. He showed a precocious interest in science from a very young age.

- 他从小就表现出了对科学的早熟兴趣。

10. The precocious skills of the young artist were evident in her detailed paintings.

- 那位年轻艺术家的早熟技能在她的细致画作中体现得非常明显。

11. Despite his precocious achievements, he remained humble and focused on learning.

- 尽管他取得了早熟的成就,他依然保持谦逊并专注于学习。

12. Her precocious sense of humor made her popular among her peers.

- 她早熟的幽默感使她在同龄人中非常受欢迎。

13. The precocious student excelled in debates and public speaking competitions.

- 那位早熟的学生在辩论和公开演讲比赛中表现出色。

14. His precocious grasp of foreign languages was impressive for his age.

- 他对外语的早熟掌握在他的年龄段中令人印象深刻。

15. The precocious puppy learned tricks faster than the average dog.

- 那只早熟的小狗比普通狗学会了更多的把戏。


上一个 【英语】preclude的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】predisposition的例句



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