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时间: 2024-09-29 00:55:16


Certainly! 这里有关于“repugnant”(令人厌恶的)的一些例句及其中文解释:

1. The idea of harming animals for sport is repugnant to me. (对我来说,伤害动物作为娱乐活动是令人厌恶的。)

2. His behavior towards his colleagues was utterly repugnant. (他对待同事的行为完全令人厌恶。)

3. The smell emanating from the garbage was repugnant. (从垃圾里散发出来的气味令人作呕。)

4. The politician's views on immigration are widely considered repugnant. (这位政治家对移民问题的观点被普遍认为是令人厌恶的。)

5. The thought of cheating on the exam was repugnant to her sense of ethics. (考试作弊的想法违背了她的道德感,让她感到厌恶。)

6. The dictator's treatment of dissidents was morally repugnant. (独裁者对异见者的对待在道德上是令人厌恶的。)

7. The movie depicted scenes of violence that many viewers found repugnant. (这部电影展示了许多观众觉得令人厌恶的暴力场景。)

8. The restaurant had a repugnant reputation for poor hygiene. (这家餐馆因卫生条件差而声名狼藉。)

9. His racist remarks were deeply repugnant to the audience. (他的种族主义言论深深地令观众厌恶。)

10. The company's decision to exploit child labor was morally repugnant. (公司利用童工的决定在道德上是令人厌恶的。)

11. The novel contains several scenes that some readers might find repugnant. (这本小说中有几个场景可能会让一些读者感到厌恶。)

12. She found the taste of the exotic food repugnant. (她觉得那种奇特食物的味道令人厌恶。)

13. The proposal to cut funding for education was met with repugnance by the public. (减少教育经费的提议遭到了公众的强烈反感。)

14. His actions were not only unethical but also morally repugnant. (他的行为不仅不道德,而且在道德上令人厌恶。)

15. The jury found the defendant's actions repugnant to the principles of justice. (陪审团认为被告的行为违背了正义原则,令人厌恶。)


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